Hair Transplant

Are the results of hair transplantation permanent? Do these get affected with age?


Every individual is supposed to suffer from baldness even once in their lifetime. Some people suffer early while others suffer late. But what if you start getting bothered with this condition in your youth? Then you will feel embarrassed as our society judges people based on their looks and hair contributes to almost 65% of overall looks. So the people after ascertaining whether they could afford the hair transplant cost in Vizag, consider undergoing the surgical procedure. Hair transplant in Vizag is the best and the result-oriented procedure of today’s time. 

Today we are going to discuss one of the majorly asked questions about hair transplants. 

Can The Results Of The Hair Transplant Procedure Enjoy For A Long Time? 

The results of the hair transplantation procedure last for a longer time. Because of the long-lasting nature of the results, these are deemed to be permanent. 


What Does The Mechanism Of The Hair Transplantation Procedure Involve? 

The mechanism of the hair transplantation procedure involves the attraction of the hair grafts with the help of the micrografting procedure. Once extracted, the hair follicles are sent to the lab for getting observations of whether these contain the required characteristics or not. Afterwards, these are intended to be implanted in the scalp. 


Can You Become Bald Owing To The Age-related Changes Even After Undergoing The Hair Transplantation Procedure? 

Yes, you may experience mild balding owing to age-related changes. Bt do not worry, this balding would be minimum and would not cause you with the excessive affect to your overall emergence of the scalp 


How Can You Make Your Hair Transplantation Procedure A Success? 

You can contribute to making your hair transplantation procedure a success by following the instructed measures before and after the procedures. The doctor is supposed to guide you with the points which you are required to carry out when you are preparing for the procedure. Also more than following the preparatory measures, it is essential that you pay attention to all the post-operative measures. 


What Is The Essential Thing About The Hair Transplantation Procedure? 

You must keep up with realistic expectations. If your expectations are not realistic, then you may end up getting frustrated and disappointed. So it’s better to limit your expectations. 

To know what your expectations ought to be, you should consult the cosmetic surgeon before the procedure and ask similar questions. 


What Is The Importance Of Diet In The Success Of The Procedure? 

The diet plan is the crucial thing that matters a lot as far as the success of the hair transplantation procedure is concerned. The intake of healthy food items and supplements are necessary for the success of the procedure.

The diet plan can work best if you avoid certain things. For example The consumption of alcohol and cigarettes should be completely prohibited.

Hair Transplant

Are you looking for a permanent solution for hair loss?


Get informed about the hair loss treatment options

Hair loss is one of the widespread concerns for which medical science is always on its toes to develop the best solutions. Both have difficulty keeping their hair locks strong and have a head full of hair all their life, be it men or women. As I talk about medical advancement, one thing is sure the individuals are getting benefited to a great extent through the Hair transplant in Vizag. Under the expertise of the best hair restoration surgeon, a personalized treatment plan is obtained to make hair health better in all ways. 

But do you think everyone goes down this road on the first go to save hair locks? NO! This is the most significant gap out there, creating difficulty for the individuals to enjoy the benefit of Hair Transplant. 

Are you looking for a permanent solution for hair loss?

Hair Transplant in Andhra Pradesh at At Dr. C. Vijay Kumar Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center, you will get the treatment plan by checking your condition during the initial consultation and considering your personal preference, 

In the search for ‘Best Hair Treatment,’ the consideration is to choose something effective in terms of money, time, and effort. What if the results do not last for a lifetime or temporarily occur? Then how it is going to be effective. Let’s make you understand the hair loss treatment options in this given piece of information. 

How do doctors diagnose hair loss?

The initial diagnosis is essential to customize the right kind of treatment for you. Here the physical examination is done & you will be asked in detail about your overall health. Some of the possible tests which you need to get are:

  • Blood test
  • Pull test
  • Scalp biopsy
  • Light microscopy

Are you from Punjab looking for a hair loss treatment plan?

Hair transplant in Punjab under the expertise of a hair restoration surgeon at Profile Forte, you will get the treatment that is right for you, but it will give you a permanent solution for your hair loss. 

What are the treatment options for hair loss? 

The stress of dealing with hair loss and then the stress of finding the right choice. The hair loss is reversible, but that is possible when you consult an experienced hair restoration surgeon. Here is the list of treatment options that you might get:

  • Medications

If the problem is caused by an underlying cause, then that will be treated first. The most effective medications to treat male pattern baldness are Minoxidil, Finasteride, and many other choices. But, ‘Do they provide permanent results?’ NO! The medicines are suitable for those individuals who have just started seeing hair loss. Moreover, once the medications are stopped, it’s possible hair loss can occur again. 

  • Hair transplantation

Hair transplant is the permanent way to treat hair loss, and that is what I have been talking about in all this blog. During hair transplantation in Vizag, the hair grafts are extracted from the back of the scalp & then transplanted where hair growth is less or thin. If there is any bald patch on the scalp, it gets camouflaged the way hair grafts are placed. Depending on your condition, you will be suggested the method of FUE or FUT to address the problem effectively. 

Always be prepared and informed about the surgery

If your hair loss has just started or is getting worse all of a sudden, you need to get medical assistance at all costs. At VJ’s Cosmetology Clinic, you will get the personalized solution for hair loss through the most inventive & advanced hair restoration option. Schedule your initial consultation to get a better understanding of the same.

Hair Transplant

Make the careful choice while looking for the best hair transplant clinic


We are living in the race of being the ‘BEST’ all the time. Want to stay ahead of everyone no matter what we do. BUT, to go down that journey of best and different, there is a year of struggle and hard work which goes behind. It’s the efforts that are worth considering. Indeed! It’s essential to choose all those things which are fruitful and give the expected results.

The question is, ‘How to choose what will give the desired results?’

In this article, my focus is on all those who are looking to go down the road of cosmetic surgery and want to improve their looks. In this case, the treatment of Hair Transplant in Vizag makes that perfect choice.

Hair transplant: Package of treatment for all the hair loss sufferers

Just mention ‘Best Hair Transplant’ and you will see a booming result of 10,90,00,000. It’s going to take countless hours to look for the best clinic and doctor.

Do you have this much time when hair loss is getting worse? If you want to make the search quick and choose the hair restoration surgeon who can provide the Best Hair Transplant in Vizag, many other individuals are doing the same. Here are some tips through which you can do that:

  • Look at the surgeon’s skills

You must look at the surgeon’s skills as to how many years of experience they have. It’s about checking all the minute details like knowing about the treatment options they offer. Hair transplant is a surgical procedure so the expertise and training will make a difference for you to see the desired results. So, during the initial consultation make sure to know about the surgeon’s experience.

  • Treatment options provided

The hair transplant technology is updating & getting better with time. Therefore, it’s essential to check that the centre or clinic is offering only the latest and best of hair transplant technology. This way, you will have your treatment plan made through the use of updated and modern methods.

  • Treatment success rate

The success rate is one thing that makes a lot of difference in making the decision. No one would want to choose a treatment that has a low success rate or is not worth spending the money on. This is the reason to make sure to consider the hair transplant success rate in the past. Although, FUE & FUT are those treatment options which has more than 89% success rate. If the clinic does not share such data then make sure that you look for other hair transplant clinics as these things can be easily shared to make sure the patients have peace of mind.

If you are in search of a hair transplant clinic & surgeon then here is one suggestion for you, schedule your initial consultation with Dr. C Vijay Kumar. His more than 40 years of experience will be worthwhile to you in every sense. Make sure to discuss all your doubts with him.

Please Note!

If you are in Punjab and looking to undergo a Hair transplant in Ludhiana, then make sure you do proper research. Finding one of the top-rated clinics and experienced hair loss doctor is essential. In that case, it makes it much easier to understand the exact reason behind the condition and then plan further. The doctor will perform a proper diagnosis and evaluation to give you a personalized hair care treatment plan. It’s important to always make an informed decision.