Skin treatment

Information about the supplements which help to maintain better skin

Well, everyone wants to maintain their skin healthy and glowing, and people often get cosmetic surgery in Vizag to get the desired tone of the skin. You can contact VJ’S Cosmetology clinics to get in touch with the best cosmetic surgeon in Vizag.

Moreover, maintaining healthy skin is also possible by consuming some supplements such as biotin tablets, omega-3 capsules, and many more. So let’s know about those supplements that can help you get your desired skin.

Six supplements that can make your skin better or healthy

  • Collagen

This supplement is pretty famous for skin care as it provides countless benefits. And according to science, it can improve many aspects of skin health, such as the prevention of wrinkles and dehydration of the skin. Moreover, the benefits of this supplement are limitless, but there are no side effects. So you can add this supplement in your diet to take care of your skin in a better way.

  • Fish oil

As fish oil supplement is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, so it not only improves skin tone but also prevents some common skin problems, namely atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, and skin ulcers. Furthermore, some scientific studies also support that taking fish oil supplements also mitigates the risk factor of skin cancer. As it also maintains heart health which improves blood flow in your skin and ultimately that makes skin health better.

However there are many benefits of consuming fish oil supplements, but if someone is drinking it more than the body requirement, then it can cause some severe skin problems. So ensure to get proper guidance from an expert.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C is pretty essential for skin care because it prevents skiing from UV Rays, and it also promotes the production of collagen in the body, which helps to avoid other skin issues. And science supports that a higher intake of Vitamin C can improve skin health fast. If you want to prevent your skin from wrinkles and dryness, then this supplement can help you. So make sure to consume this supplement to make your skin glowing and healthy as well.

  • Biotin

This supplement is recommended for those who have a deficiency of vitamin B in their body. So they can take this supplement to make their skin glow. But make sure to get advice from skin specialists because there are only a few people that suffer from the lack of vitamin B.

  • Probiotics

Probiotics can help to improve your gut health by increasing the number of good bacteria. And it will help you to prevent problems like acne or pimples because these issues occur only when there is something wrong with your gut health.

Cosmetic surgeon Cosmetic Surgery Skin treatment

Time to plan the cosmetic procedure under professional assistance

Cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery and its ever-increasing demand is seen in every part of the world. The procedure allows the person to reshape or reconstruct the body in the appropriate manner as every person wishes upon their appearance in a certain way. Therefore, the use of cosmetic procedures under the assistance of a professional Cosmetic surgeon in Vizag makes a lot of difference in the entire approach. So, to attain the desired results, you need to choose the expertise and the right methods.

Look for a qualified and skilled cosmetic surgeon

Now comes the most important part of all. Thinking about undergoing Cosmetic Surgery in Vizag is a major step. Therefore, to have the desired results, you need to choose a cosmetic surgeon who has years of experience. If you have difficulty choosing one, then here’s how you can plan everything.

Tip 1: Know your cosmetic surgeon

When you look for a cosmetic surgeon, it’s important that you do in-detail research. Make sure to check the surgeon’s expertise and skills. Most importantly, check the surgeon’s online presence. Doing so will make things much easier and more manageable. The online presence is also proof that their existence is true. Check the website and see all the necessary information that’s given about the doctor. It’s better that you select a surgeon who has years of experience.

Tip 2: Check the availability of treatment options

As you begin the search, you need to thoroughly check the availability of the treatment options. Make sure that you go through the website. At present, the world of cosmetic surgery has abundance of options to give the individual desired looks:

  • Skin lightening treatment
  • Acne scar treatment
  • Pimple removal treatment
  • Laser hair removal
  • Body contouring treatment
  • Dermal filler treatment
  • Anti-aging treatment
  • Skin whitening treatment
  • Stretch mark treatment
  • Wart removal treatment
  • Dull skin treatment
  • Skin pigmentation treatment
  • Much more!

So, make sure the cosmetic surgeon is aware of the procedure you wish to get or knows the right method to address the concern.

Tip 3: Check the reviews

When you plan for cosmetic surgery, every step that you take ensures to direct the treatment plan toward success. One of the things that you should be mindful of is seeing the reviews and testimonials. Doing so will help you know how the previous patients felt by undergoing the treatment from the cosmetic surgeon or whether they achieved the desired results or not.

Tip 4: Availability of FDA-approved treatment

Make sure all the cosmetic procedures available are of FDA-approved approach. This factor ensures that the procedure is performed with advanced methods and that all the necessary steps are taken care of effectively.

Tip 5: Always schedule the initial consultation

The major part of increasing the overall success rate is to schedule an initial consultation. When you do that, it gives you a better understanding and allows you to talk to the doctor about all your concerns.

Are you looking for a cosmetic surgeon?

If you are looking for a cosmetic surgeon, then get hold of Dr. C Vijay Kumar at Vj’s Cosmetology Clinic.

Cosmetic Surgery Skin treatment

What are the ways to prepare for cosmetic surgery results?

Prepare properly for the success of cosmetic surgery

For a successful approach to cosmetic surgery, it’s important to follow all the necessary suggestions given by the cosmetic surgeon. It’s essential that you are at greater ease in preparing for the surgery. Just make sure that you are prepared for the entire procedure and ask all the necessary questions that come to your mind. The following are the suggestions that you need to follow while preparing for Cosmetic Surgery in Vizag.

Tips to increase the success of the cosmetic surgery

Before you leave home

  • Carefully research the entire procedure to prepare yourself properly.
  • Make sure to keep your clothing right, as being comfortable is essential.
  • Note down all the questions that come to your mind to keep the surgery journey going all smoothly.
  • Do take all the medical history information along with you so that the surgeon is aware if there’s any problem that you are going through.

Arrival at the surgeon’s office

  • Make sure to check that the office is clean, professional, and organized to the fullest.
  • Make sure the staff is friendly and courteous.
  • The hospital or clinic environment needs to be inviting and warm.

Face to face consultation with the surgeon

When you consult the surgeon, please make sure to ask everything in detail:

  • Properly fill out the paperwork because comprehensive and detailed information is necessary.
  • To take all the necessary list of supplements and medications. Additionally, do get proper clarity on everything to take the medications on time and at the right dosage.

Please Note!

When you meet the surgeon, make sure to ensure the doctor gives you time to ask all your doubts. Additionally, guide you toward making the right choice to ease the treatment journey.

Important questions to ask the surgeon

Here are some of the essential questions that you should ask the surgeon:

  • Am I a suitable candidate? If not, then what’s the choice I should go for?
  • What are the advantages?
  • What are the risks? How to manage the complications?
  • How many years of experience do you have?
  • When will the surgery take place?
  • Do you have availability for the advanced procedure?
  • Is the surgery facility accredited?
  • What are the credentials of the surgical staff?
  • How will you respond if there’s any kind of emergency situation that happens?
  • How do you provide assistance after the surgery?

Get an understanding over the price

Make sure to get an accurate understanding of the pricing. Doing so will give you a better knowledge of how to manage the cost and how much you need to pay. Knowing the price beforehand helps you to be in a better state altogether. The choice of undergoing surgery is extremely crucial, so make it wisely.


Cosmetic Surgery Skin Lightening Skin treatment

Skin Brightening And Skin Whitening Treatment For Glowy Look

It is very natural for people to want a bright and clear complexion. But not everyone is blessed with it. Thanks to unwanted stress, environmental toxins, sun exposure and even pregnancy, our skin can develop hyperpigmentation or age spots and become uneven over the years. And this is something that most men and women struggle with.

A Cosmetic Surgery in Vizag that can change your life!

We have good news for you; there are treatments that you can undergo to erase those imperfections. With the help of Skin Lightening Treatment In Andhra Pradesh, you can accomplish that.

In this blog, we will discuss the best lighting tips and tricks to help you whiten and brighten your skin.

Skin Brightening And Skin Whitening

To be honest, most of the time, people use both these terms interchangeably. But the fact is that whitening skin and brightening, or lightening skin, is not the same thing.

Skin whitening is a process that men and women undergo to change their overall skin tone dramatically.

So what exactly is skin lightening?

It is also known as skin brightening, wherein people undergo a subtle change in skin colour. You will perceive the change as more of a glow than whitening.

If we are talking about skin whitening procedures for the body and skin, you will learn that there are a few options that our surgeons use to achieve the outcome. One of the most popular options that people gravitate towards is hydroquinone. It is basically an ingredient that you can find in some skin-lightening products. According to experts, hydroquinone treats stubborn melasma and pigmentation.

Although it is one of the most effective procedures, you must speak with our surgeon about all the possibilities to avoid any risk. Do not use any skin lightening or whitening products without any professional supervision.

Some common side-effects of skin lightening with hydroquinone are redness, itchiness, and burning.

Skin Brightening Treatments

These are some ways by which you can make sure to keep your skin bright and healthy.

  • Exfoliate

We highly recommend you exfoliate your skin as it helps in keeping it bright and refreshed. You should exfoliate your face and body with a polishing powder or natural soap at least once or twice per week. This process helps you to remove dead skin cells. However, try to avoid harsh scrubs and fragmented soaps, as they can irritate your skin.

  • Apply sunscreen

We all know that prevention is better than cure. And when it comes to keeping your skin luminous and light. Hence it is very necessary for you to apply sunscreen every day to prevent any kind of skin damage from UV rays. Brown spots and changes in skin texture are some examples.

According to experts, it is also necessary to apply sunscreen on your skin when you are wearing other skin brightening products. This will help prevent the increase of melanin and preserve the result of your labour. So make sure you are slathering your skin with SPF before you walk out of the door.


Cosmetic Surgery Scars Skin treatment Stretch Marks Removal

Experts Tips On Stretch Marks Treatment To Get Rid Of The Scars

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Cosmetic Surgery Dermal Filler Skin treatment

Smooth Your Fine Lines And Re-Shape Your Face With Dermal Filler

Dermal filler is one of the most effective treatments that can give instant results without any difficulty. If you want a non-surgical solution for face volume enhancement, then you should choose dermal filler without any doubt. Apart from being super effective, it is also much more cost-effective as compared to others, with far less risk and a better outcome.

They are not a permanent solution, but they allow you to adapt to the new look with an affable approach.

Another benefit of Dermal Filler Treatment In Vizag is its capability to help balance the face, including cheeks, lips, chin, or frown lines. It can also add some volume to them.

The surgeon administers the whole dermal filler procedure to support the natural beauty of the face with the help of a syringe or fine needle. Hence making the entire process easy, comfortable, and quick with little to no time.

What Is Derma Filler?

One of the main ingredients in dermal filler injections is hyaluronic acid which is basically a mineral that naturally grows within the body to help hydration to transport wherever it is needed. The experts consider hyaluronic acid one of the most popular and safe skin-care and anti-aging ingredients. The surgeons of this Cosmetic Surgery in Andhra Pradesh have specifically designed for each part of the face. They will also ensure to deliver the right level of volume and tissue suppleness to have the best result possible. Apart from that, the surgeon will also give you product advice.

Who Is The Right Candidate For Derma Fillers?

There is no specific age barrier to undergoing the derma fillers. There are young patients who have a desire to seek the benefits of improving the volume and the curvature of their lips. They can also accentuate the cheekbones to make a more symmetrical and balanced facial outline.

On the other hand, for elders, dermal filler can compensate for the decrease in the production of hyaluronic acid. You can easily see them in the cheeks because of the loss of plumpness and moisture, resulting in a less youthful look. The purpose of hyaluronic acid, along with enhanced techniques, is to help you get a more natural-looking result no matter your concern.

Smoothening The Fine Lines And Re-shaping The Face

For different reasons, the surgeon uses dermal fillers to create volume wherever it is required in various areas of the face. For example, you can soften the wrinkles and deep lines in certain places, including the forehead or around the mouth, or the nose. Apart from that, having sunken areas can also lead to an aging effect. You will generally notice it under the eyes. The doctor can treat it with tear-through filler, in which they will add the lost volume to give a more youthful look. Contour your jawline and chin and add volume to your temple and cheeks with this simple technique.

Final Comments

VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery And Hair Transplant Centre is a reputable cosmetic centre, So book your appointment right now to improve your look with the best result.

Skin treatment

Which are the different types of skin resurfacing treatment options?

Skin Resurfacing Treatment Options Vizag: Skin resurfacing treatment options is something that helps in storing the youthful complexion & makes it easier for removing the skin’s outer layer. All in all, it does make the skin beneath it have that healthy & radiant glow that you always wished for. With age, the skin’s outer layer is going to show signs of wear & tear, environmental factors, injury, scars, age spots, & discoloration. When you get the skin resurfacing treatment the skin will improve and here are some benefits which you will get through the same:

  • Remove facial or body hair which is not wanted
  • Treat brown spots, redness, or discoloration which makes the skin tone balanced
  • Remove surgical scars & acne
  • Makes the skin tight and helps in collagen production

If you are wondering what step to take or which treatment can help you better with your situation then better schedule an initial consultation with one of the known Cosmetic Surgeon in Vizag & address your problem perfectly.

Treatment options for skin resurfacing

  • Chemical peels

The chemical peels are one of those solutions in which the outer layer will begin to peel away. While the treatment is performed the solution will be brushed over the skin and left there for a certain time. By doing so, it helps in giving that younger-looking skin.

Well! The choice of peel is going to depend on light, medium, or deep and afterward the skin layer is removed. This Cosmetic Surgery in Vizag is one of the ideal ways to address the concern which you might have with your skin.

  • Microdermabrasion

It’s one of the gentle treatments done on the hands, body, neck, or face. Once that’s done the exfoliated skin will be vacuumed away this method is safe for all skin types & there is not much downtime required for the same. This process helps in improving tone & gives brighter skin, reduces age spots or mild acne scars, and reduces wrinkles & fine lines like crow’s feet.

  • Microneedling

Microneedling is another great approach that works great in terms of making the skin heal naturally & the necessary skin imperfections are reduced, treats sun damage & makes the complexion clear. Several concerns are addressed with micro-needling like sun damage, stretch marks, large pore size, fine lines & wrinkles, and surgical scars.

  • IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

IPL is kind of the same as laser resurfacing in which light is used for treating skin issues, pigmentation, and makes the complexion better. The single wavelength is focused upon as the brief pulses are delivered. With this method, very little downtime is needed. Some of the concerns which can be treated with IPL are age spots & freckles, redness and rosacea, fine lines, texture issue, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, spider veins, vascular lesions, and many other issues.



Skin treatment

Which are the most effective methods for skin whitening treatment?

Living in this competitive world has made it important that everything is well-balanced in all ways. Additionally, everyone wants to look their best all the time which is only possible when confidence is increased. The cosmetic treatment options are something that is getting better with time & it is worth opting for to address the flaws on the face. If you think that your face looks damp then get the Skin Whitening Treatment in Vizag.

Skin whitening treatment

Skin whitening includes making the pigment light which is present deep under the skin layer. Choosing down the option of laser & surgical process will help in making the skin pigment light. The best part is that the skin is going to be uniform, blemish-free, and brighter in terms of appearance. To enjoy the true side of this amazing treatment you need to consult one of the known Cosmetic Surgeon in Vizag & get yourself a customized treatment approach.

Which are the most common skin whitening treatment options?

If you wish to get the skin whitening treatment option then here are some of the best choices:

  • Chemical peel

With a chemical peel, the acid application is applied & it helps in taking down the unwanted dead skin cells. It will make your skin look fresh as acne scars are reduced & skin texture gets better.

  • Laser Treatment

Laser treatment uses concentrated light beams which help to target the damaged skin. It works effectively if there are dark marks or irregular pigmentation. Additionally, it does work great in helping the skin cell growth to get stimulated. If you have issues with age spots, acne scars, and melasma then it does work effectively.

  • Cosmelan treatment

It includes depigmentation which means pigmented areas will get better and melanin production will be in control. The target is put on the hyperpigmentation & melasma which helps to make skin bright.

Are there any other skin-lightening options?

Skin lightening products’ main aim is to address the skin pigment concern. There are other options like kojic acid, glycolic acid, azelaic acid, arbutin, and much more.

Are the results of skin whitening permanent?

All those who are planning to get the skin whitening treatment will enjoy the results permanently. No doubt, the results will take some time to be visible. For example: if you opted for chemical peel then the results will depend on which product you have selected to get. Apart from the way you live your life & follow the doctor advice will make the necessary difference. This is the reason, it’s essential for you that the desired skincare regime is followed which will make a difference in your skin health.

How much is the cost of skin whitening treatment?

The total amount will be based on the treatment you will select. On average the treatment cost is between Rs 2000 to Rs 5500 or it might be higher depending on what you are planning to get.

Schedule your initial consultation

Do you need to get this procedure? Better schedule your initial consultation with Dr. C Vijay Kumar to effectively get the skin whitening or any other cosmetic treatment option for getting the desired results.