Acne Treatment

All You Need To Know About Acne-Prone Skin: Types, Causes, Remedies

Are you someone with whom the only new thing that happens daily is getting a new pimple? If you said yes, then you are also a patient with acne-prone skin, and even after trying everything, you are still facing the same issues and looking for the best pimple treatment in Vizag.

If this is your current situation, you are in the right place. At VJS Cosmetology Clinics, we are the best cosmetic surgeon in Vizag and have helped several patients with acne-prone skin issues.

In this blog, we will share all the information we’ve gathered over all these years and let you know about acne-prone skin, from its types, causes, and remedies.

Causes Of Acne-Prone Skin

 Whenever the pores of our skin are clogged or filled with dust or dirt particles, they create a bump filled with a white sticky substance known as acne. All these skin pores are connected with a tiny gland responsible for the oiling of hair and the face. Every time our hair or skin is dried, this small gland spreads some oil on our head and face.

This oil combines dust and dirt particles clogged in our skin’s pores, leading to acne-prone skin. That’s why it is always suggested to wash your face properly, and keep a track of your hygiene, if you want to get rid of acne-prone skin.

There are several factors because of which acne-prone skin issue gets worse. Let us have a look at some of those factors:

  • Whenever we step into our teenage or out of our teenage, several hormonal changes take place in our body that, most of the time, worsen the situation of acne-prone skin.
  • Various types of medicines lead to more acne on your face.
  • If you take a lot of stress, this is another factor that worsens the condition of acne-prone skin.

Treatment Of Acne-Prone Skin

 Most people think there is no proper treatment for acne-prone skin, but that’s not true, as cosmetic surgeons can help you treat your specific acne problem by first understanding the situation and then providing the exact treatment.

Although there are a few things that you should avoid if you have acne-prone skin:

1- Most people try to bust a pimple by applying force whenever a pimple comes. Although we think we are clearing our face, we are making space for more pimples, as the liquid from the pimple stays on our face, leading to more pimples.

2- Some people will use the same pimple treatment that worked for their friends or family members, but that will not help you. As every acne issue is different from the others, it’s better to contact your doctor for a reliable treatment option.

3- Treat your skin well, use moisturizer daily, and take care of proper hygiene, with the help of which you can reduce the issues linked with acne-prone skin.


Acne-prone skin is one of the most common issues almost everyone faces; we hope you understand the causes and treatment of acne-prone skin. If you want to get the most appropriate solution for your acne issues, then get in touch with VJS Cosmetology Clinics.

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