Cosmetic Surgery skin care

Should Sunscreens Be Still Used in the Winters?


Sunscreens are considered to be a vital part of everyone’s daily routine in the summer. Most people, however, let go of using sunscreens in the winter. This is something that one must never do. The sun in the winter season is as stringent and strict as in the summer. There is no reason for anyone to stop their routine of putting on sunscreen in the winter. The damaging UV rays from the sun do not take a break or go into hibernation just because the season has changed.

The UV rays emitted by the sun can cause and lead to a number of issues to the skin, including damage to the skin, premature ageing, as well as the development of skin cancer in extreme cases. One must always protect themselves from the UV rays emitted by the sun. Therefore, it becomes crucial to include and incorporate a healthy amount of SPF in your winter skincare routine.


It is important to find a specific winter sunscreen that works for you and your skin type. Not only will a winter sunscreen help to combat the sun, but it will also aid in helping your skin be adequately hydrated and nourished against the dryness of winter. The winter season, in general, can be rough on the skin – dryness and flakiness, among other things, can leave a lasting impact on your once healthy, summer-touched, glowing skin. It is important to have a well-established healthy skin care routine for the cold, overcast days of winter as well.

Winter sunscreens can prove to be extremely beneficial when it comes to regular usage. 


Regularly using a winter sunscreen that enhances and enriches your skin type can bring a number of advantages and aid in adding a glow to your skin. Some of these gains include:


  • Being able to hydrate the dry skin 
  • Mattify and protect your skin with the right SPF protection 
  • To nourish the needs of your skin
  • Soothing and calming effects on your skin


Certain sunscreens are capable of hydrating the dried-up skin, even in extreme winter conditions. While others can not only provide protection but also offer the capability and capacity to provide a mattified appearance for the perfect makeup looks. A winter sunscreen, if used correctly, also offers the ability to enrich and nourish the skin thoroughly and properly when it comes to providing the required nutrients for the skin. A well-established use of winter sunscreen can aid in soothing your skin, all the while providing calming effects on the skin.

It is imperative that you are capable of taking care of your skin by applying the required amounts of SPF. It is easy to feel as though sunscreens are not important, especially in the winter months, but it is important to remember and maintain an SPF protective layer in order to safeguard your skin against the ever-present harmful rays of the sun. Your skin is only as protected as you want it to be. Taking care of it will ensure that you do not lose your youthful exuberance when it comes to appearances.

VJ’s Cosmetology Clinics recommends taking specialised care of your skin, especially in the winter months. We provide guidance and resources that can be helpful in establishing a proper and thorough winter skin care routine. The sun does not stop emitting harmful UV rays just because the seasons have changed. It is imperative to take care of your skin in the best way possible. Our experts can guide you through how to take care of your skin in the winter months, as well as provide any treatment if required.

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