Laser Hair Removal

Hair Removal Treatment: Should I undergo laser hair removal?


Have you ditched your old razor?

Indeed! It’s time that you do that.

Medical science has proven to us a boon in several ways. One of the major ones is the laser hair removal technique. Be it shaving or waxing; you should both the options at all costs. So, better end this never-ending roller coaster once and for all treatment of Laser Hair Removal in Vizag. You need 3 to 6 sessions, and your hair removal problem will disappear once and for all. If you doubt whether to get it or not, “Get it done.”

Consult an experienced cosmetic surgeon

To enjoy the desired benefits of any procedure, you need to look for an experienced cosmetic surgeon. So, whether you want to undergo laser hair removal, PRP, skin lightening treatment, or Dermal Filler Treatment In Vizag, always find someone experienced. Their expertise and understanding ensure the process get’s done smoothly.

Preparation for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is not just the method of going to the clinic and removal of unwanted hair. Although, before you choose to get laser hair removal, you need to avoid doing:

  • Plucking
  • Waxing
  • Electrolysis

For at least six weeks, all these practices need to be avoided. Therefore, it makes much more sense for the laser to target the hair roots. So, if you do waxing or plucking, there will be difficult for the laser to target the hair growth.

Additional important factors to increase the success of laser hair removal

  • You should follow the practices for around six weeks before and after the laser hair removal.
  • Limit the sun exposure after the treatment because harmful sun rays can be problematic for hair growth. Moreover, there are increased chances of several complications that makes results ineffective.

Before the laser hair removal surgery

Before the surgery, make sure to trim your hair as per the desired amount suggested by the doctor. It needs to be a few millimeters above the skin surface. Additionally, apply the numbing medications at least 20 to 30 minutes before the treatment. This allows the laser pulse to target the specific hair growth effectively.

The cosmetic surgeon will personalize the treatment plan depending on your requirements. The laser equipment need adjustment according to the hair’s thickness, color, and location. So, everything should be considered before the treatment starts.

Final word!

Well, getting the laser hair removal treatment is worth every penny you spend on it. How the entire process works and gives the necessary results is pivotal to making the utmost difference. So, to answer your concern, undergoing laser hair removal treatment is worth it. Our Vjs Cosmetology Clinic’s doctor will consider your personal requirements and accordingly suggest the necessary plan as well as how many sessions the procedure will take.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Treatment And Its Different Uses For Cosmetic Surgery


If you are thinking about laser surgery for a cosmetic process, you will surely come across so many options for the laser procedure. This could definitely make you very confused. And it is natural for such reactions as different laser procedures have different effects.

In this blog, we are going to look at which laser would work best for the most common skin condition, such as Dull Skin Treatment in Vizag. 

Laser Treatment

Let us start with laser treatment which basically stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. It is a single-wavelength, meaning one light color is a high-energy source. They help in accurately focusing that light to a transmitter onto a very tiny area to obtain the desired effects. 

Ablative Versus Non-Ablative Laser

Laser hair Removal in Vizag basically has two types of cosmetic procedures, including ablative and non-ablative.

The doctor in ablative surgery vaporizes the topmost layer of the damaged skin. Whereas in the non-ablative procedure, the doctor works on the deep skin without damaging or removing the top layers. This is why, if you choose a non-ablative method, you would not have to worry about any downtime after the cosmetic surgery as it will not require any healing time post-surgery. 

How Does Laser Actually Work?

They are monochromatic, which basically means that a given laser releases light in only one wavelength (color of light).

Through a selective photothermolysis method, the laser works in laser procedure. It means that the doctor modulates the light and its frequency in order to generate thermal or heat. They do it in a particular area that the laser will destroy.

In order to accomplish this, it is necessary for the light beam wavelength to be in sync with the color of the target area. It could either be red broken capillaries, brown spots, or other skin conditions. 

Laser For Fine Lines And Wrinkles

To treat the wrinkles and fine lines, the doctor uses a combination of skin tightening and skin resurfacing procedures. Or, in some cases, they even accomplish both with a more aggressive ablative laser technique. Some of those include CO2 (carbon dioxide) lasers or Erbium lasers. The doctor widely uses CO2 lasers in order to eliminate skin tags and warts. They also use it for cutting the skin in some laser-assisted surgery. 

Laser For Skin Tightening

In most cosmetics, laser surgery gives at least some level of superficial skin tightening as they generate a controlled injury to the skin. This then helps them in increasing their courage for collagen production. The doctor chooses a CO2 laser most of the time to get that significant and visible tightening results. Apart from that, doctors have used it successfully for nonlaser light-based treatment. Some of them include Titan infrared devices and Thermage radio-frequency-based systems. 

Laser For Hair Removal

This is for the hair removal part, where the doctor emits lights on a particular area to remove the hair from the skin.


Laser Hair Removal

3 Reasons To Select Laser Hair Removal To Remove Unwanted Hair


Are you getting rid of that extra hair which is purely unwanted?

I know it can be tiring at times to find a way to successfully get rid of all such problems. Hence trying out different versions to eradicate the issues.

Having facial or body hair is pretty normal and so does removing it. But more important is to find the right way. We all might have tried out the traditional waxing and threading. But it is not so fruitful and very painful.

Alternative For Waxing And Threading

Do not worry we have got the perfect alternative for you that is easy to handle with minimum effort. And do you know the best part?

It is long-lasting with effective results.

Now if you are looking for some other technique try out Permanent Hair Removal in vizag. It will help you get rid of that unwanted hair without any difficulty.

But Why Laser Hair Removal?

It is one of the finest Cosmetic Surgery in Vizag which has many effective reasons for you to try it out.

In this blog, we have written some of the major reasons why laser hair removal has been gaining a lot of names in the cosmetic industry.

  • Waxing is not effective enough

The first thing that comes to your mind while finding a solution to get rid of body hair is waxing. In fact, many people even use it. But is it the best solution?

Waxing consists of chemical wax which can be harmful to sensitive skins at times. In such situations, people either notice rashes or dark spots. and to top it off it is painful that only lasts for some weeks.

But with laser hair removal you would not have to worry about that. They are not painful, they are long-lasting and it is perfect for all skin types.

  • The overall cost of the solution

Waxing and threading might seem like taking only a few bucks, but if you manage to count the total amount of money you spent on the overall appointment. But if you are under laser hair removal then you would not have to worry about this situation. It is a one-time investment that you will require to pay online once and forget about it.

It is more beneficial than other solutions if we also consider its effective result.

  • You do not have to endure the painful experience

Unlike waxing or threading which let me tell you induce a lot of pain, laser hair removal is easy to handle without minimal sensation. If you are pain-sensitive then you can r doctor might even prescribe some Anastasia beforehand for a smooth surgery.

The hot wax in your body is not good for your skin; it can either burn or leave a spot on you. Laser hair removal puts laser beams on your affected body parts which you want to remove the hair from without causing any damage.

In short, it is a great way to eliminate that nasty hair that is poking into your vision again and again.

Laser Hair Removal

Discussing Common Misconceptions About Laser Hair Removal Surgery


We all have that unwanted hair you want to get rid of permanently without pain or struggle.

This is where the usage and the benefits of Laser hair Removal in Vizag come handy-dandy. People are choosing this method more as compared to other options such as waxing, shaving, and plucking. I mean, all these techniques are not effective enough, and some just inflict a lot of pain for no reason.

But with laser hair removal, you would no longer have to worry about such issues. A long-lasting, effective solution for the best outcome.

Misconceptions that surround it. In this blog, we will debunk all the myths you hear about laser hair removal that a Cosmetic Surgeon in Vizag performs. 

Facts And Myths About Laser Hair Removal

Before we jump into this topic, it is necessary for you to learn all the details about any cosmetic surgery that you want to undergo, including Skin Lightening Treatment In Vizag and laser hair removal surgery.

Myth 1: It is a painful procedure

Most of the time, people drop waxing from hair removal techniques to avoid unwanted pain. But then they hear the myth of experiencing pain in laser hair removal which stops them from accepting the procedure. But let me tell you, it is a lie as the doctor will prescribe your anesthesia before the surgery.

Apart from that, the whole process is not a painful one. However, it is necessary to know that each individual has a different set of sensations, and they experience pain differently. You might be aware that the Cosmetic Surgeon in Vizag completes the procedure in different sessions, and many people feel pain in the first one more as compared to other sessions.

While we are not implying that the laser hair removal technique is entirely pain-free, with different methods and options, our doctor makes sure to see your comfort before proceeding further. 

Myth 2: It is not applicable for dark skin.

You might have heard about this myth a lot of times that laser hair removal does not work on dark skin. But it is far from the truth. Once there was a time when you would not be able to undergo laser hair removal because of your skin color. But now, with the introduction of new technology, there are no worries about such norms.

This is the reason why it is necessary for you to ensure whether or not your practitioner is updated with the technology. Apart from that, also check whether the surgeon has the required qualification to contact the surgery with the latest technology. 

Myth 3: It is a long process and takes years.

Nope, it is far from the truth. The maximum amount of treatment that you would have to undergo is 4 to 5. And in this session, you will get rid of at least 90% of the unwanted hair with no difficulty.

The doctor advises the patient to undergo each session within 6 to 8 weeks. In short, the whole process will be over within a few months.

Laser Hair Removal

4 Advantages Of Undergoing Cosmetic Laser Hair Removal Treatment


Facial or body hair is not something that many people are ok with. They want smooth skin to accentuate their features and feel confident about themself. We try to get rid of unwanted hair on our bodies by spending tons of money on waxing, time on shaving, and plucking.

Now we have a better option for you to venture and try out for easy elimination of unwanted hair.

Yes, we are talking about the infamous Laser hair Removal in Vizag. It is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to remove those unwanted body hair that has been troubling you for ages. So, if you are tired and done with shaving and waxing, this method is precisely for you.

Benefits Of Laser Hair Removal

Just like Skin Lightening Treatment In Vizag, it is something that is designed for special needs and desires. If you want to upgrade your look, you can contact us for more details.

Now let us move toward the advantages of laser hair removal, and why is it a perfect option?

  • It is a quick method.

Unlike other procedures, laser hair removal works efficiently. It is a quick solution that you might have been searching for. In short, it is the fastest way to get rid of any unwanted hair.

All you would require is to undergo a certain amount of treatment sessions to notice the desired result. But it only takes a few minutes for the Cosmetic Surgeon in Vizag to complete the task. The smaller the treatment site is, the less amount of time you would require to spend under the laser. 

  • It is comparatively less painful than other methods.

If we make a side-by-side comparison, then laser hair removal gives better results with less pain as compared to some of the most horrifying techniques to remove the hair from the body. The amount of pain that you might experience at the time of laser hair removal, according to other clients, is equal to the feeling of snapping a rubber band against the skin.

Also, pain is subjective, and depending on that threshold, you might feel uncomfortable. But the session for the treatment happens so fast that you would be able to endure it without any difficulty.

  • A precise method for sure

Another plus point for laser hair removal is that it is one of the most precise technologies. This is why it has become one of the ideal solutions for people who want to target and remove specific hairs.

It is also a perfect option for those people who are looking to remove certain small areas of hair such as around the upper lip, eyebrows, bikini line, nose, and hairline.

  • Applicable to remove hair from any part of the body

Laser hair removal is the best as it can help you remove hair from any part of the body with the exception of eyelashes. It is an excellent selection for bikini and back areas, which are technically harder places to reach for razors.

Laser Hair Removal

Know The Insights Of Laser Hair Removal Surgery And Its Procedure


Laser hair removal-you might have heard about this word before. It is an excellent alternative to those painful waxing, time-consuming shaving, and other options to get rid of facial or body hair.

If you are not comfortable with your body hair, undergoing Laser hair removal will help you get rid of it all in one for a longer period of time, unlike other methods.

So if you are interested in this technique, do keep reading to gather all the required information regarding this Cosmetic surgery in vizag.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

It is a technique that people undergo to reduce the unwanted hair from the body. A common location for such treatment includes arms, legs, thighs, neck, back, armpit, upper lip, chin, and also bikini line. Basically, any possible place is liable to undergo laser hair removal surgery under the guidance of a cosmetic surgeon except for eyelids and their surrounding areas. Apart from that, we also do not recommend laser hair removal to those patients who have tattoos on their skin in that particular area.

What Determines The Success Of Laser Hair Removal?

There are a few things that determine the success rate of laser hair removal. One is the hair color, and the other is skin type. They are the two factors that will influence the success of laser hair removal. Basically, the pigment of the hair, but not the pigment of the skin, should absorb the light. In short, the laser should only damage the hair follicles while simultaneously avoiding any kind of damage to the skin. Hence, the contrast between the hair and the skin color, for example, dark hair and light skin, gives the best outcome possible.

However, there is some level of risk associated when there is little to no contrast between the skin and the hair color.

What Is The Cost Of Laser Hair Removal?

If we give an average number to the price of laser hair removal in India, it might cost you around 10k to 40k, depending on various factors.

There are so many things that shape the cost of laser hair removal surgery. Some of those elements include:

  • The size of the area the doctor is treating and how much time it takes to complete the act.
  • The number of sessions would be required to complete the treatment.
  • The qualifications and the experience of the doctor or the specialist who is conducting the surgery.
  • The reputation of the clinic.

We highly recommend you to ask your doctor beforehand about all the costs and other doubts of that particular case before finishing the treatment.

Risk Factors Of Laser Hair Removal

  • Change in pigment

Undergoing laser hair removal surgery might lighten or darken your affected skin. Depending on the changes might be temporary or permanent.

  • Skin irritation

You might notice some sort of temporary irritation on the skin along with swelling and redness. Any sign of discomfort will go away after some hours.

Final Comments

Contact VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery And Hair Transplantation Center for more details on laser hair removal and its procedure.

  • Contact details:
  • +91 9849797776
Laser Hair Removal

Removing Tattoo In Older Skin With Laser Tattoo Removal Surgery


Tattoos are cool! And they are also there forever! At least they used to be; now, you can get rid of the old not so appealing tattoos without any tension.


Well, with the help of an Affordable Cost Tattoo Removal in Vizag, that’s how?

It is very natural for tattoos to not have the same aesthetic as before as we grow older. That is why we have a simple yet effective technique to remove the tattoos for anyone who does not vibe with the tattoos anymore like before. It is basically a Cosmetic Surgery in Vizag that works on providing the best solution to your problem.

And the best part of this surgery is that it is not age-restricted. Whether you are 18 years old or 80, you are eligible to undergo tattoo removal surgery under the guidance of a Cosmetic Surgeon in Andhra Pradesh.

Laser tattoo removal was not a thing back in the day, which is why there are more older clients who want to take advantage of this new advancement in the cosmetic field. Nowadays, laser tattoo removal is very common.

Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work On Older Skin?

Laser tattoo removal is cosmetic surgery, and just like any other procedure, it also takes time to see the complete results of removing the tattoo on almost all skin types. So basically, it does work on the older skin, but the result will highly depend on the person. It is prevalent for our skin to become looser, less elastic, and thinner as we grow older. This is the reason why it is necessary for an individual to take care of their health and maintain a healthy lifestyle so that the body’s aging skin stays integrated over the course of time. 

What Is The Process Of Laser Tattoo Removal Surgery?

In this process, the surgeon breaks apart the ink particles into small fragments. The surgeon does this so that the white blood cells in the body carry away the lymphatic system. Over the period of time, with a few continued tattoo removal sessions, you will gradually see the tattoo fading away in the older skin.

It works the same for the younger skin, too, as we have established the result depends on the person. The only significant difference between both the procedures will be the reaction of the skin at the time of the laser removal. 

Factors That Determine The Speed Of Tattoo Removal In Older Skin

These are some of the elements that might dictate the speed of tattoo removal in the older skin. 

  • Ink density

It is one of the huge factors that determine the speed of the result. As time passes, it is natural for the tattoo to fade away naturally, which automatically makes it easier for the tattoo removal surgeon to clear up the remaining particles without any complication. 

  • Placement

The place where your tattoo is placed also plays an important part. 



Laser Hair Removal

Everything you need to know about laser mole removal procedure


Laser Mole Removal Procedure

Moles are common and don’t lead to much concern. But, yes, there are a few cases where there’s a need for treatment. The procedure Mole Removal in Andhra Pradesh under the expertise of a medical surgeon is what you need. The mole removal is opted for by the individuals sometimes for cosmetic reasons, or it’s present where it creates difficulty.

Laser mole removal treatment: How is it done?

Have you heard about the Laser Hair Removal in Vizag? Well, just the way laser hair removal has increased safety. Similarly, the procedure of mole removal is highly effective. The mole removal through laser includes light radiation directed to the mole. Eventually, the skin cells are brown down present in that area.

The laser is directed to do the necessary area during the procedure. Therefore, Cosmetic Surgery in Andhra Pradesh won’t damage the nearby skin and tissues. And leaves the skin all healthy.

The laser mole removal takes a few minutes to remove each mole. Moreover, one session of treatment is enough to remove all the moles. The doctor will tell you about the total time required to perform the procedure during the initial consultation.

What does the mole area look like after treatment?

After the treatment, the area will have a small red spot. Although, it’s covered with a small dressing. And as the day passes, the scab forms on the site. The scab removal takes at least seven days.

Afterward, you will notice the area lighten and diminish in terms of appearance. Just make sure to apply makeup on that area until the scab falls off.

Is laser mole removal possible on types of moles?

The laser mole removal is possible for non-cancerous and small moles. The procedure makes effective choices for areas like the ears or face. You can discuss your concern with the doctor during the initial consultation.

Is laser mole removal the best choice for me?

To determine whether the laser mole removal is a procedure for you or not, you should consult a medical expert. During the initial consultation, the doctor checks your detailed medical history and guides you toward making the best possible choice. If everything comes out well, the doctor will personalize the treatment plan for you.

Is laser mole removal a safe procedure?

The advanced tech laser approach is highly effective. During the procedure, the laser uses small and precise amounts. Laser mole removal is a highly effective and safe procedure to undergo. During the procedure, you need to wear eye goggles to protect your eyes from the effect of the laser.

Are you looking for safe and non-invasive mole removal?

Laser mole removal is what you need to deal with the problem effectively. Advanced laser mole removal counts as a non-invasive and safe method. Additional benefits are:

  • No skin cutting
  • No skin burn
  • Reduced risk of infection
  • No downtime
Cosmetic Surgery Laser Hair Removal Permanent Facial Hair Removal

Debunking Some Common Myths About Laser Hair Removal Treatment


In today’s world, the idea of appearance has increased day by day. They wanted to look their best and make a long-lasting impression on others. This is the reason why Permanent Facial Hair Removal in Vizag among both men and women is gradually becoming more and more popular.
On the one hand, there are traditional options such as waxing, shaving, or threading to remove the hair, which is significantly more painful, discomforting, and time-consuming. Then we have got the option of laser hair removal that the expertise has developed for an easy and long-lasting hair removal process. Apart from that, it has also shown some great results over the course of time.

In this blog, we will talk about some myths associated with laser hair removal procedures.

Myths About Laser Hair Removal Treatment

  1. Myth: Laser hair removal causes cancer

Truth: Lasers do not consist of any radiation of a wavelength that might cause cancer. In fact, Cosmetic Surgeon in Andhra Pradesh has established that modern laser hair removal is a safer option than going outside on the hot summer days. A popular clinic like makes sure to conduct the treatment with the latest and advanced technology in order to avoid any side-effects

  1. Myth: Laser treatment can cause burn

Truth: If a professionally qualified doctor performs the process of permanent hair removal, it will not cause any burns in the affected area. Most modern laser technology comes with various settings of heat and intensity. This is why it is easier for surgeons to conduct the whole procedure of hair removal on the body and face with no side effects. Our clinic’s certified and experienced staff members ensure a completely safe environment during the laser hair removal treatment.

  1. Myth: Laser hair removal hurts

Truth: it is not a secret that other traditional hair removal methods are painful, so we automatically associate laser hair removal with it. But that is not the case here; if the surgeon completes the wheel task with preciseness, then the only thing you might feel is some warmth in the area or a prick-like sensation at the least. We make sure to give you treatment that will not evoke any discomfort in any form during or after the process.

  1. Myth: Laser hair can harm your skin

Truth: this statement can not be any more wrong. Because in reality, it is the total opposite. The gentle heat that is generated from the laser basically results in the production of elastin and collagen, which is a very important protein that helps in keeping your skin supple and radiant. Apart from that, laser hair removal is also very helpful in rejuvenating the skin by decreasing the wrinkles while simultaneously tightening the skin. We assure you a zero-infection treatment that will make your skin glow more than ever before.

I hope we might have debunked some of the most common myths that are circulating about laser hair removal treatment for better understanding.


Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal: Why It Is Done And Its Common Side Effects?


Are you tired of constantly going on with shaving, waxing, or tweezing to remove that unwanted hair in your body? Then we have got a perfect solution for you. Laser hair removal is an easy option that might be worth considering.

Laser Hair Removal in Vizag is one of the most demanding cosmetic surgeries. People often undergo such precision to get rid of their hair for a long time.

Laser hair removal effectively delays the growth of the hair for a long time, but it does not result in permanently removing the hair effectively. For such results, you would require multiple treatments for initial hair removal. Apart from that, you would also need to undergo maintenance treatment. It is one of the most effective and efficient treatments, just like Dull Skin Treatment in Vizag. The doctor can perform the act on dark or light skin, and it can also be used on all kinds of skin types. 

Why undergo laser hair removal?

The purpose of laser hair removal is to get rid of the unwanted hair in your body. Some of the common locations that a person chooses for the hair removal procedure are armpits, legs, upper lip, bikini line, and chin. The doctor can perform the surgery on any area of the body, but there is a limitation to that, too- eyelids or the surrounding area are inadvisable for such a process. Apart from that, we also do not suggest people who have tattoos on their skin in that particular area to undergo laser hair removal.

The hair color and the type of the skin play a significant role in dictating the success of laser hair removal. The main reason for such a principle is that the pigmentation of the hair should absorb the light, not the pigment of the skin. The duty of the laser is to damage the hair follicles while simultaneously avoiding damage to the skin. This is the exact reason why the contrast in the ahir scholar and the skin color makes the best outcome of all.

 What Is The Risk Of Laser Hair Removal?

The risk of having any side effects in the body due to laser hair removal depends on the skin type, treatment plan, hair color, and adherence to post and pre-treatment care. Some of the most common risks or side effects of undergoing laser hair removal include: 

  • Skin irritation: you might notice some temporary discomfort, with swelling and redness after your laser hair removal treatment. However, it is not necessary to happen to all. And the signs and the symptoms of discomfort would gradually disappear within some hours. 
  • Pigment changes: Laser hair removal in some cases can also lighten or darken the affected skin. These changes can be either temporary or permanent. It only affects those patients who do not follow the doctor’s instructions and expose themselves to the sun right before or after their surgery. It can also affect those patients who have naturally dark skin. 


It is a medical procedure where the doctor uses a concentrated light or laser to remove the unwanted hair in a specific spot or area. for more info visit VJ’s Cosmetic Surgery and Hair Transplantation Center to undergo the procedure of laser hair removal.